Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Finding that one

Can it really be as difficult as I make it! Or am I just being difficult? Maybe I think it is a mixture of both. Im not neccesary looking for that right man, but I do look for my said qualities when I out on a date or talking to men. And I'm finding myself more and more picky.

I'm not sure what it is but im not vibing with people like I would hope too. Im at a point in my life where looking is beyond me and I'm just waiting for the right time when things are going good in my life for me to really settle down with someone so I'm not giving it alot of effort. So maybe that where all the not vibing is coming from.

But still it's not like I try to be an ass hole or anything like that, if I go out with someone I try my best to have a good time, not even try I just do. And if in the end a relationship flourshs from that then so be it. But right now, I'm seeming to find those who I totally have nothing in common with or the things we do have in common are the bad things.

I told myself that I was going to wait until I was about 30 to really get into a relationship, I'm 26 now and I already of laying alone in my bed every nite, not just that I would love to be working towards something with someone.

Maybe that's that patience shit. I've been thus far. Rushing can only get me into trouble...

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